Help with your property when you need it!

We offer cleaning, maintenance and management services for holiday lets. We also offer swimming pool & hot tub maintenance and window cleaning. All our services are tailored to your specific requirements.

Tony and Sharon Hodgkin are the driving force behind Caleta Window Cleaning & Property Management Services.

When they first moved to Fuerteventura in 2017, they saw an opening for a professional, high quality window cleaning service. This soon expanded into a property cleaning and management service in and around Caleta de Fuste, and they quickly built up a portfolio purely through recommendations.

They consider themselves to be friendly, helpful, honest and trustworthy, and are proud to say that, whilst their prices are probably the best around, they do not compromise on the services they provide, that are second to none, which is indeed corroborated by their clients’ reviews.

Nothing is too much trouble for Tony and Sharon!

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